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Nutrition Counseling in Kingston, PA and Online

Whether you live in Northeastern Pennsylvania or farther away, take control of your health with our in-person or online nutrition counseling with a registered dietitian nutritionist!

Nutritional Cooking

In-Person Nutrition Counseling in Kingston, PA

Our in-person nutrition counseling is for everyone! This is the heart of what we do here at Catalyst. Our in-person option is for you if you want that face-to-face communication at our office on Pierce St. in Kingston, PA!

What Is Nutrition Counseling?

Nutrition counseling consists of regular, one-on-one nutritional instruction and advice from a registered dietitian nutritionist, and all customized to you. When we first meet with you, we take the time to learn about your medical history, current nutritional status, and of course, what you would like to achieve by working with us. We can also help you devise health goals for yourself if you’re not sure of the best path forward.

Learn More About Our Nutrition Counseling In Person and Online

Complete our contact form below to send us a message and learn even more about Catalyst’s nutrition counseling in Northeastern Pennsylvania and online. We'll get in touch with you to answer all your questions and set you up for a consultation!

Citrus Fruits

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Organic Vegetables

One of the major benefits of receiving nutrition counseling from a registered dietitian nutritionist is that we are fully prepared to design nutrition plans for you even when you have a range of preexisting health conditions. The conditions we can treat through our nutrition counseling include:​

Once we have the full picture of your current health and have worked with you to define realistic long-term goals, we’ll supply you with all the instructions you’ll need to start making the necessary changes in your life. We will be with you every step of the way to check in and provide the accountability you need to stay on track!


Ultimately, whether you have a preexisting medical condition or simply want to optimize your health, nutrition counseling could be your solution! With Catalyst’s in-person nutrition counseling in Kingston, PA, you can gain a better understanding of food’s impact on your body, reach your long-term goals, and take control of your health!

Online Nutrition Counseling

At Catalyst Nutrition and Training, we understand how busy all of our daily lives are. For your convenience, we also offer online nutrition counseling!


You may wonder if there’s a difference between our in-person consultations and the telehealth option, and the answer is no! Our virtual nutrition counseling  provides the same individualized, tailor-made nutritional advice and education as our in-person counseling, just from the comfort of your own home!


A video call will be conducted with the registered dietitian at your designated appointment time using a HIPAA-certified online platform. All follow-ups will follow the same format, so you can meet with us and continue receiving nutritional guidance from wherever you are.


If you just need help optimizing your ongoing nutrition plan, you can sign up for our online nutrition coaching!


How Our Nutrition Counseling Works

Whether you opt for our in-person or online nutrition counseling, how it works is essentially the same. Here’s a simple breakdown of what you can expect in this program:


  1. Once you’re enrolled, we’ll hold a consultation with you, where we’ll record your entire medical history and learn about your nutritional goals.

  2. We will take everything you tell us into account, including any serious medical conditions, to devise a nutrition plan that is personalized to you alone.

  3. Your dietitian  will then schedule a follow-up with you based on your individual needs so you can touch base and determine the next step in your health journey.

  4. You will have on-demand access to your dietitian using our app-based electronic medical records. Sort of like a text, your dietitian is right at your fingertips!


We like to keep things straightforward for you when you’re in our nutrition counseling program. However, if you ever have any questions, you can always reach out!

Get in touch with us today to learn more about our nutrition counseling both in person in Kingston, PA, and online!

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