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Registered Dietitian Serving Wilkes-Barre, PA

If you’ve started looking for a registered dietitian nutritionist in Wilkes-Barre, take a short trip across the Susquehanna to see us at Catalyst Nutrition and Training in Kingston!

We have a strong track record of success in our region as we educate our patients on the power of proper nutrition in managing disease and overall health.


You can find a lot of information about nutrition out there, including info about fad diets and other questionable nutritional approaches. One problem with these programs is that many of them are actually unhealthy. On top of that, they aren’t personalized to you.

At Catalyst Nutrition and Training, nutritional customization is all we do. Through our in-person or online nutrition counseling, online nutrition coaching, and online fitness coaching, we help you understand how certain changes in your diet and lifestyle can have a massive impact on your health.

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Our Dietitian and Nutritionist Services


Nutrition Counseling in Person and Online

Personalized nutritional instruction from a registered dietitian nutritionist, including guidance on preexisting medical conditions


Online Nutrition Coaching

Convenient, online nutritional mentorship designed to help you make the best food decisions for achieving your health goals.


Online Fitness Coaching

Customized workout plans and form critiques regularly provided to you online to help you optimize your physical condition

Green Apples

3 Reasons to Choose Catalyst as Your Wilkes-Barre Dietitian

There is certainly no shortage of healthcare facilities serving the more than 44,000 residents of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.


So, why should you choose Catalyst Nutrition and Training when you’re searching for a local dietitian?

1. Access to a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist


For one thing, when you come to Catalyst, you benefit from seeing a registered dietitian nutritionist. While nutritionists can advise you on the benefits of certain foods, a dietitian has additional education, is an expert in dietetics, and can use nutrition to help you manage disease.


This healthcare approach is called medical nutrition therapy, or MNT. The conditions we can help to treat with proper nutrition include:



​We can also help with weight loss, weight gain, and nutrition for athletic performance.

2. Functional Nutrition


Another good reason for Wilkes-Barre residents to come see us at Catalyst Nutrition and Training is that we take a functional nutrition approach to our sessions with you. Functional nutrition is a type of MNT involving nutrition on the holistic level.


At Catalyst, we don’t see nutrition as an isolated part of your health that should be treated in a vacuum. The foods you eat and the overall lifestyle choices you make are all interconnected. When we work with you on your nutrition, we also consider elements such as your sleep habits, physical activity, and stress levels to devise strategies best suited to your life.


We say it all the time: we don’t offer you any one-size-fits-all approaches at Catalyst. We base all our plans on you!

3. Empowerment Through Education


The final reason to choose Catalyst as your dietitian when you live in Wilkes-Barre is our philosophy: at the center of our practice is the belief that the best way we can empower you is through education.


Practically speaking, that means that while we could potentially come up with entire nutritional plans for you, we prefer it if you tell us what you want to get out of this. Once we learn your medical history and nutritional goals, we devise a nutritional approach that is fully customized to you.


The point is to educate you on everything you need to know to understand why our recommended changes can help you. Again, one of our core beliefs is that your success will come through your own knowledge of nutrition.


And that’s where we can help! We don’t force any changes on you or simply hand you a cookie-cutter program to follow. You go to see a dietitian for yourself. Therefore, the priority here is YOU!

Book Your Dietitian Nutritionist Services Near Wilkes-Barre

We are taking new patients! Many insurances cover nutrition services, so check with your provider on the specifics. We also accept cash and credit cards.


We can see you completely online if that is more convenient for you. If you make an in-person appointment for nutritional counseling, know that getting to us is easy!


Catalyst Nutrition and Training is located at 480 Pierce St. Suite 201 in Kingston, PA. If you’re in Wilkes-Barre, just cross the North St. Bridge near the Luzerne County Courthouse to Pierce St. Pass 3rd Ave. and then turn right into the parking lot of the New Bridge Center.


You can contact us today to make an appointment, learn more about our philosophy or approach to nutrition therapy, or ask us any questions at all. Please feel free to call us at (888) 862-0803 or email us at


We look forward to helping you on your way to better health!

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