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Registered Dietitian Serving Scranton, PA

At Catalyst Nutrition and Training, we want to get the word out that if you need a dietitian near Scranton, PA, we want to be your dietitian.

For your convenience, we offer in-person or online nutrition counseling, online nutrition coaching, and online fitness coaching from our office down in Kingston. We want to make things convenient for you by providing these virtual services, but by all means, come down to see us in person if you want face-to-face nutrition counseling.


We’re always happy to tell the public what sets us apart from other dietitians in our area. At Catalyst, we believe the primary difference is in our philosophy: empowerment through education. We work right alongside you to show you how nutrition affects your health rather than simply telling you what to do. We see understanding as the key to making real change in our lives.

Our patients from Scranton and other places in Lackawanna County will drive the 25 minutes to Kingston because of that difference. If you’re ready to start changing your life through the power of nutrition, call us at (888) 862-0803 or email

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Scranton residents are welcome to come see us! Contact us below.

Citrus Fruits

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Our Dietitian and Nutritionist Services


Nutrition Counseling in Person and Online

Personalized nutritional instruction from a registered dietitian nutritionist, including guidance on preexisting medical conditions


Online Nutrition Coaching

Convenient, online nutritional mentorship designed to help you make the best food decisions for achieving your health goals.


Online Fitness Coaching

Customized workout plans and form critiques regularly provided to you online to help you optimize your physical condition


Why Choose Catalyst as Your Dietitian Near Scranton?

Our patients come from all over Northeastern Pennsylvania, including from Scranton and the nearby areas. With other dietitian options near you, though, why should you choose Catalyst Nutrition and Training?


Here are three reasons for coming to see us when you need a registered dietitian nutritionist near Scranton: it’s the Catalyst difference!

1. Our Advanced Expertise

One of the most important elements of our practice to keep in mind is that, when you see us, you’re consulting with a registered dietitian nutritionist. That means we are not only experts in all things relating to nutrition, but we also have the education and skills required to treat chronic medical conditions such as:



​And don’t forget, we are also available to help you meet targeted goals such as losing weight, gaining weight, and training in the gym, as our registered dietitian is a personal trainer who can advise you on your workouts!

2. Holistic Treatments

But the Catalyst difference doesn’t stop at our RDN education. Another reason you can benefit from coming to see us from Scranton is because of our unique overall approach to nutrition. Different dietitian nutritionists might vary in how exactly they apply nutrition to a patient’s health, but at Catalyst, we don’t “spot-treat” you by simply telling you what foods to swap around in your diet.


Instead, we practice something called functional nutrition. It’s an approach that gets your nutrition working for you in your life right alongside other major health factors such as your sleep habits, stress levels, and physical activity.


We find that when you incorporate new nutritional protocols into your life while also altering those other areas to complement them, your health can improve holistically. That’s what we’re after at Catalyst.

3. Education and Instruction

Finally, our patients from Scranton love coming to us because of our philosophy of working with you. We never tell you what to do; we educate and instruct you so you can understand your own health.


You could make any nutritional or lifestyle change we recommended, but it wouldn’t be sustainable if you didn’t understand it yourself. When you know WHY you’re doing something new, then you’ll know where it fits into the rest of your health. When it makes sense to you, you’ll be able to follow through with it, because you’ll get it.


That’s how we approach treating patients at Catalyst. It’s why we hear from patients all the time about how their lives have changed since seeing us. We’d love to help you, too!

Schedule Your Dietitian Nutritionist Services Near Scranton, PA

These are all good reasons to make Catalyst your trusted dietitian nutritionist whether you live in Scranton, Moosic, Dunmore, or anywhere else in Lackawanna County. If your views on your nutrition and health align with our approach, we’d bet that we can assist you, too! No need to travel down to our office in Kingston, but if you want to see us in person, getting to us is easy!


From Scranton, take I-81 South to Exit 170B, which will take you onto Route 309 North. Take Exit 4 and then bear left to take Rutter Ave. in Kingston all the way to Pierce St. Turn left onto Pierce and then follow it half a mile down to find us on the left, in the New Bridge Center.

We are available to help you learn more about us or answer any of your questions. If Catalyst Nutrition and Training sounds like the right move for your health, call us at (888) 862-0803 or email

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